LABSERVE Analytical Services |

March 2021

In hierdie skrywe deel ons graag wat in ‘n onlangse verslag van die Bemestingstofvereniging van Suid-Afrika (FERTASA) gepubliseer is met julle.  Produsente is soms besorg oor die kwaliteit van hul kunsmis, te wete of dit werklik die verklaarde hoeveelheid N, P, K, Ca, Mg en...

As guidelines upon which soil analyses are interpreted and fertilisation is applied, the basic cation saturation ratio (BCSR) concept (now better known as the Albrecht system) has become popular amongst various plant nutritionists.  It is based on a presupposition that plants will only grow optimally...

by Bennie Diedericks In the world of soil science, all particles of 2mm and larger, are regarded as course fragments or stones. In a soil analysis report the amount of stones in a soil is expressed on a volume basis, e.g., 30% of the soil...

The cation exchange capacity (CEC) is a property of a soil that describes its capacity to adsorb plant nutrient cations (positively charged atoms or molecules such as Ca2+, Mg2+, H+ and K+).     Soil clay minerals and organic matter tend to be negatively charged, thus attracting the...

Die gebruik van blaaranalises en grondanalises is die akkuraatste tegniek om element behoeftes van ‘n boord of wingerd te bepaal, saam met alle ander inligting van ‘n betrokke blok.  Dit bied die versekering van optimale produksie en kwaliteit van ‘n gewas deurdat elke seisoen se...